Loyalcare Group Services Ltd

Loyalcare Group Services Ltd

About this provider

We deliver Supported Living schemes that have a focus on enablement and independence in order to meet care and support needs and outcome expectations. We provide care to individuals requiring care and support and who live in a variety of settings including dedicated single or shared supported living schemes, rented accommodation, owner occupied property, extra care schemes or live with family, carers or friends. The purpose of the service is to enable vulnerable adults to develop existing skills or acquire new skills to increase their independence in daily living. The aim is to also enhance their opportunities for education and employment, and ultimately meet their desired outcomes as detailed within their Personal Plan.
In addition, services are focused on keeping individuals healthy and safe. In the case of rented accommodation, Loyalcare do not own the property where the individual lives, but instead partners with registered social landlords and housing agencies to provide accommodation.
This is so that individuals are free to choose another service provider if they wish to do so, without putting their tenancy at risk. Support is also provided flexibly based on assessed need so that it can be reviewed to meet any fluctuations in individual needs.
Loyalcare uses an appropriate framework for individuals whose outcome requirements require continuous support or care provision (which is provided in the form of on-call or assistive technology provision). Individuals who have more sessional support and care requirements, or whose housing options make them inappropriate for supported living (for example living with parents), have their needs met through Loyalcare as Loyalcare also provides Domiciliary Car e arrangements.
Support services provided are appropriate to individual need, reflecting disability, race, culture, sexuality, age and gender considerations. Our service can respond to changes in individual need that occur over time. Loyalcare’s support services and housing are tailored and adapted to meet an individual’s need where possible.

Contact details

15 Hartscroft,Linton Glade,Croydon CR0 9LA




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