Inspire Communities Ltd

Inspire Communities Ltd

About this provider

Our current work involves one to one learning, group learning and qualifications, volunteering, a peer support job club, social inclusion groups, crisis management, social work and advocacy, advice and guidance on many subjects including finance and budgeting, independent living skills, health and well-being advice including fitness and diet planning.

Our mission is also to bring people from a crisis or point of isolation to a point where they feel empowered, valued and have a sense of purpose in life. Along the way we will break down the barriers that prevent them focussing via various forms of intervention. That sense of purpose is what will motivate them to move forward and achieve their goals in life, whether it is work, learning, socialising, becoming healthier or becoming more independent and enjoying their lives.

Contact details

6 - 8 George Street Hull HU1 3AJ

01482 219595

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