

About this provider

NYAS is a UK charity providing socio-legal services. We offer information, advice, advocacy and legal representation to children, young people and vulnerable adults through a network of dedicated workers and volunteers throughout England and Wales.

Through these services NYAS provides a safety net for children, young people and vulnerable adults, who have nowhere else to turn. We work within communities across the UK, with children, with young people, with adults, and with carers, local authorities and professionals such as social workers and lawyers.

We know that caring for someone in need is often very isolating and challenging. We provide advocacy for carers to help them access services to which they are entitled.

Our skilled and qualified advocates help carers of all ages with the difficulties they face to resolve the issues concerning them. This is one-to-one work by someone who is independent of other professionals. NYAS advocates will ensure that carer’s voices are heard and listened to, particularly in decisions which are made about them.

Contact details

169 Newhall Street Birmingham B3 1SW United Kingdom


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