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Marketing Resources

Explain how shop4support came to be, using the information below.

Creating awareness of your e-Marketplace

It is key that you create local awareness about your shop4support e-Marketplace. Kirklees Council's Engagement Plan defines the way that they are engaging members of staff, service users and their carers, other key stakeholders and members of the public about their e-Marketplace.

The shop4support Checklist for Engagement also helps marketing and communications staff ensure that they are providing council operational staff with the information needed to communicate their e-Marketplace and its benefits accurately.

If you would like to show more senior members of council staff how shop4support has worked for another council, here are some of the practical experiences and lessons learnt during implementation of Harrow Council's e-Marketplace. An explanation of how shop4support works with councils to help them achieve the objectives of the Think Local Act Personal agenda may also be useful.

Here are some more ideas that can help you reach your target audiences.

  • Individuals

    • Road shows targeted at local service users
    • Local media - liaise with your council's PR team to identify any press opportunities to communicate your messages
    • Create your own shop4support e-Marketplace ambassadors - these could be service users for example
    • Word of mouth - educate your staff to get behind the e-Marketplace
    • Posters and leaflets - identify �hot spots' that your target audience visit, such as libraries, doctors surgeries, community centres, Neighbourhood Resource Centres, network meetings
    • Ensure that you have links to the e-Marketplace from other websites, such as your council website and any other relevant organisations such as providers and community organisations
  • Providers

    • Road shows targeted at local providers
    • Direct mail or email communication targeted at local providers
    • Training sessions - do providers in your area need help adapting to Personalisation? shop4support can give you advice about how to help providers ensure that their services and products are priced correctly, for example
    • Attendance and presentations at local service provider network meetings