
Who are Provider Services?

Provider Services are part of West Sussex County Council. They are made up of services which provide social care support to people with:

• Physical disabilities
• Acquired brain injury
• Learning disabilities
• Dementia

What types of services are included?

There are different types of accommodation services. This includes residential care homes and a Shared Lives scheme. Shared Lives is a scheme where we arrange for you to stay with a carer. Both of these types of accommodation offer short stays, often called respite care, and long term support.

Click on this link to go to the Shared Lives scheme page.

Click on this link to go to the Residential Homes page.

Provider services also have different types of day services. The day services offer support in a number of ways by:

• Supporting people to become more independent and helping them after discharge from hospital.
• Providing care during the daytime, perhaps whilst a carer has a break or goes to work.
• Helping people to become more involved in their local community by building their confidence and developing their independent living skills.

If you click into the next 3 pages you can find out more detail about accommodation and day services.

How do people access our services?

You will need to have had a social care assessment to be able to access Provider services. This assessment of your social care needs helps us understand what help and support you need in line with the Department of Health’s national eligibility criteria.

This assessment also includes a separate financial assessment which works out if you will have to pay a contribution towards the costs of your care and support.

You can find out more about the assessment process by clicking on this link to our booklet 'Your life, your choice' or contact our Adults’ CarePoint on 01243 642121 or fill in an Adults Social care online enquiry form which can be found at http://www.westsussex.gov.uk/contact-us/.

There are two booklets about paying for care and support. Click on this first link to see the booklet about paying for residential care or this second link for the booklet about paying for care in your home or local community.

People who are eligible for funded social care may be able to access our day service transport at a cost of £6.40 per day. Some of our day services offer meals for £4.25.

All of our booklets are available in different formats, for example large print or easy read, or a translated version. Please let us know if you need this.

How do I contact Provider Services?

Address: Directly Provided Services, Room 175, County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RQ

: 03302 222199

: provider.services@westsussex.gov.uk

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