
Services for Adults

Who can use Specialist day services?

Specialist day services can support people with a:
• Physical disability
• Sensory loss
• Memory impairment
• Acquired brain injury

Next is a brief description of what the specialist day services can offer you. Here is a link to the specialist day services leaflet where you can find more details including the addresses of the day services centres.

What do Specialist day services offer?

• They help people with longer term or complex needs to live as independently as they can and to be part of their community.
• They can help people to access employment, volunteer opportunities, leisure, education and community or faith-based activities.
• They can offer a time limited service that helps people get back their independence perhaps after being in hospital or perhaps if you are living at home but recently have not been coping as well as you would like.

There are opportunities for people and their families to be involved in the running of the day service. For example becoming a member of the customer forum meetings or becoming a volunteer. Please go to the County Council website here for more information, or contact your local day centre directly.

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What are Resource centres?

The resource centres are run in partnership with local health services.  Their aim is to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and help people to continue to live safely in their own homes. The centre can offer some long stay residential placements where people are supported by staff who are experienced and qualified in dementia care.

Resource centres also make sure carers are able to have a break from time-to-time and they provide support and helpful information and advice.

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